Benign prostatic disease is an ubiquitous problem in Western society: an average British GP with 2000 patients can expect to have around 150 men registered who have lower urinary tract symptoms severe enough to consider seeking treatment at some time. |
Benign disease of the prostate can be divided into two broad groups: obstructive and inflammatory; over recent years urologists have tended to move away from the rather nebulous term "prostatism" towards a more descriptive symptom terminology.
Epidemiology of Prostatic Disease Medical Treatment of Bladder Outflow Obstruction Surgical Treatment of Bladder Outflow Obstruction Prostatic pain and prostatitis
As can be imagined, patients are usually more concerned by the majority of Storage symptoms than Voiding symptoms. It is thought that the majority of these come about as a result of bladder muscle hypertrophy and overactivity secondary to obstruction. The vast majority of men presenting to general practitioners with complaints related to their prostate will have bladder outflow obstruction in association with benign prostatic enlargement.
Classification of Benign Prostatic Disease
Obstructive Prostatic Disease Benign Prostatic Enlargement: stromal and epithelial hyperplasia in an enlarged gland Bladder Neck Obstruction Obstruction without enlargement of the prostate Inflammatory Prostatic Disease Acute Bacterial Prostatitis Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis "Prostatodynia" The advice in this web site is made freely available for general use. The facts and opinions stated cannot however be taken as valid or safe for any individual patient unless specifically instructed by Mr Muir.
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 GH Muir. All rights reserved. |