Testicle and Family Planning



 Many men will have problems during their life with lumps, bumps or pain in the testicles.

While the vast majority of testicle problems are innocent, it is important that any new finding is seen by a doctor without delay. We are able to offer one stop visits with ultrasound scanning and other tests on the same visit.

Many couples will have problems with fertility and in around half of the cases a problem with male factor infertility will be found. In most cases the underlying problem can be clearly diagnosed by  a combination of examination and blood tests. In some men, physically correctable problems (varicocoele or obstruction) will be discovered. Many couples will consider vasectomy once their family is  complete, and in some cases men may wish to discuss vasectoimy reversal at a later date.

Patient information

Testicular Tumours

Epididymal cysts





Vasectomy Reversal

Resources for general practitioners and doctors

Review articles for GP's.

Erectile Dysfunction

Gordon Muir


The advice in this web site is made freely available for general use. The facts and opinions stated cannot however be taken as valid or safe for any individual patient unless specifically instructed by Mr Muir.

Copyright (c) 2009 GH Muir. All rights reserved.
[email protected]